Monday, October 17, 2005

Got Bone?

Have you ever felt that on certain days, other people just have a bone to pick with you?

Been feeling that a bit over the past couple of days, wondering what's wrong with these people. Then I read this verse:
Prov 21:2 - Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the hearts.

I spent some time meditating on the verse and I realised that there was nothing wrong with them, it was me. I've had loads to do recently, being assigned to a new project and at the same time had to wrap up my old project, so guess I've been a little uptight lately. On hindsight, it was so plain obvious, but I just couldn't see it then. To me, it was everyone else having a problem, and no fault of mine.

It's always so easy to pick out other people's faults and so difficult to see your own, and much less be willing to change them. We do what we do, we think what we think because that's what seems right to us. That's why it's so important to constantly renew our minds, to check our priorities and attitudes, to make sure what seems right to us is actually the right thing!

Also, we have to bear in mind that people will always see things from their point of view. Why do we argue with people? Because we can't agree on certain things, we argue because we think we're right and they're wrong, often totally neglecting their point of view. When we argue, do we think about why they argued with us? Have we been able to see from their point of view, and really identify what's the "right thing" in their arguement? There must have been a "right thing" from their point of view, even if it's as trivial as "I don't care what we're arguing about, I just don't like that tone in your voice", that's still a valid reason!

So, before we argue next time, try to understand their point of view, before you share yours. Seek first to hear, then be heard! =)

Before I end, just like to share something I've learnt from church.

3 things to say (and mean) to end an arguement:
1 - I'm sorry.
2 - I guess you were right
3 - Maybe we can try it your way
(Even if it fails, the other party would be more willing to try your way)

Try it! It works! ;)

He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. (Prov 17:27, NKJV)


At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah..well said well said! I think this can be served as a good lesson or reminder...haha..
and somehow it makes feel a lil guilty after reading it..but i don think tt i'm one who really argue much lehz..hmm..haha =)


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